DI Models


Website maintainers

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Professor Caroline Brophy

Caroline is Professor in Statistics in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinty College Dublin. Her research work is mainly in the development of statistical models for application in Ecology, Agronomy and Climate Change studies. She has been deeply invovled in the development of the family of Diversity-Interactions models for modelling the biodiversity and ecosystem function relationship. Professor Brophy is lead PI of a Science Foundation Ireland funding award that is supporting research developing statistical methodologies for modelling the biodiversity and ecosystem function relationship. She is also lead Coordinator of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network titled LegumeLegacy.

If you have requests or ideas for new content to appear on the DImodels.com website, please contact caroline.brophy@tcd.ie

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Rishabh Vishwakarma

Rishabh is a 4th year PhD student in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, under the supervision of Prof. Caroline Brophy. His research includes developing novel visualizations and tools to present biodiversity modelling results and performing economic assessments for ecological and agronomical systems. His PhD is funded by Science Foundation Ireland.

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Laura Byrne

Laura is a 4th year PhD student in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, under the supervision of Prof. Caroline Brophy. Her PhD research is funded by Science Foundation Ireland. Her work involves developing models and programming tools for modelling the biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality relationship.

Website contributors

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Dr Rafael de Andrade Moral

Rafael is Associate Professor in Statistics at Maynooth University. He is the lead developer for the DImodels R package. His research expertise spans statistical modelling applied to Ecology, Wildlife Management, and Agriculture; Computational implementation of statistical models; and Bayesian modelling.


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The development of the dimodels.com website was supported by Science Foundation Ireland Frontiers for the Future programme, grant number 19/FFP/6888.